Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Recipe #1!: Chinese Style Sour Sauteed/Braised Cabbage

Hi! It's me...and I've got a surprise for you. Today I made this cabbage of Chinese origin. This is my mom's Homemade Recipe. Hope you enjoy it! Not your average Chinese stir-fry. Remember, you can add more ingredients when making a bigger proportion.
1/2 Tbsp of Oyster Sauce(A little goes a long way).
1/2 Tbsp of Vinegar(Balsamic or Black Rice Winegar).(They both taste good, it may be hard for you to find Black Rice vinegar. Balsamic tastes awesome!)
Salt to Taste
1/4 A Head of Cabbage, or more if you want to increase this recipe.
1/2 Tsp of Ground Black Pepper(Finely or Course ground, doesn't matter =D).
Chicken Broth or Water to dilute or make it more moist
Canola or other Vegetable Oil

Heat Oil on high for 30 sec-1 min. Prep cabbage by cutting off the bottom, and outer layer of leaf(or not). Toss Cabbage in Oil. Don't be afraid if it sizzle and oil splashes, use a cover and cover it. Turn the heat down to low. if you want some char, keep it on high longer, stirring it every 15 sec. Put in the vinegar of choice, pepper, salt, and oyster sauce. Stir and coat all piece thoroughly. It may not seem coated, but it is. Flip the heat to high and cook for a little longer. If you like stir-fry like dry cabbage, turn the heat off and serve. I like it moist AND crunchy. Add Chicken stock or water. Chicken stock gives it a really good flavor. You could use vegetable stock too. Keep heat on high for a long time and have the lid on. This makes it steam, basically. Don' stew it for a long time if you like it crunchy. For soft cabbage lovers cook for 10 more minutes.

This is a pretty simple recipe. I had to leave the house for a while(30 minutes or so), and it was still good, very tender. I hold no responsibility for injury. Consult parents if you are a child. If you have allergies to any of these foods, don't cook this.

Once again, hope you enjoy it.

Stephen, out!

1 comment:

  1. Stephen, I was simultaneously laughing (at your random comments) and drooling (at your descriptions) while reading this. It takes true talent to make cabbage sound delicious - and you are quite talented! LOL!
